Beyond the cheese tray - Bottle Glass Fusing Tutorials
Published: Fri, 12/02/22
Kiln Carving with Bottle Glass I love fusing with bottle glass, it's so satisfying to make art out of something so mundane. One of the tricks though…
Glass With a Past News
Published: Fri, 12/02/22
Kiln Carving with Bottle Glass I love fusing with bottle glass, it's so satisfying to make art out of something so mundane. One of the tricks though…
Published: Sat, 11/26/22
Small Business Saturday Specials Thank you for supporting my small business, I couldn't do it without you! I have a giant pile of one of a kind and…
Published: Tue, 11/22/22
Time Saving Glass Studio Tips It's easy to feel overwhelmed in your art space, especially during busy times. My space gets messy and I start to get…
Published: Thu, 11/17/22
Fuse and Fold Trees Tutorial/Ebook Fuse and Fold Tree Ebook How cute are these little critters? This is a free ebook that you can download and print…
Published: Fri, 11/11/22
Fused Wine Glass Angel - a (mostly) successful Tutorial Fused Wine Glass Angel - A (mostly) successful tutorial This is one of those tutorials that…
Published: Sat, 11/05/22
Free Shipping Weekend Free shipping Weekend! I'm working on some new things, and need to free up some shelf space, so... Use code: ShippityDo at…
Published: Wed, 11/02/22
Fused Glass Snowflakes - Tutorial Fused Glass Snowflakes - Tutorial I woke up to snow this morning, and really, my favorite kind are the glass ones!…
Published: Fri, 10/21/22
Glass Symposium starts TODAY Glass Symposium starts TODAY! My workshop begins at 9 a.m. MT, see you there. THIS FRIDAY! Spooky Skulls Glass Art…
Published: Wed, 10/19/22
Fused Glass Projects for Holiday Shows Tis the Season for show prep. If you need some quick ideas for fused recycled glass show items, I got you…
Published: Sat, 10/15/22
Fused Glass Stars Tutorial I make hundreds of stars every year, my mom is a stylist and gives them to all of her clients, it's amazing how e cited…