Beyond the cheese tray - Bottle Glass Fusing Tutorials
Published: Fri, 12/02/22
Kiln Carving with Bottle Glass
I love fusing with bottle glass, it's so satisfying to make art out of something so mundane. One of the tricks though is
maximizing your return, there isn't a huge amount of glass there, how do you get the most out of your bottle?
One way is to use the bottle as it is and
flatten it, always a crowd pleaser. My favorites however, look nothing like a flat bottle, and expand your possibilities tremendously.
Making Flat Glass from Bottles
This was probably the biggest game changer for my fused glass practice (other than a bigger saw). Having sheets of glass to work
with rather than just flat bottles will change everything about the way you fuse. Give it a try!
You can also do quite a lot with bottles that have been topped but not flattened yet. Using a little simple math (it's easy! I
promise) you can perfectly flatten bottle sections on molds and kiln carving patterns.
Fits 750 mL bottle bottoms, float or fusible art glass.
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Chameleon Mold
Use with 750mL bottle Bottom, float or fusible art glass
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Donut Sampler Mold
Use with bottle glass donuts, frits or glass pieces.
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Upcoming classes:
Still have a couple of spaces for this class in January!
January 17-February 9, Tuesday evening 6:30 - 9
Intro to Fusing Class - Tuesdays
The Thursday class has just one spot left, so I have opened up a Tuesday session! If you needed a different day of the week, or
were on the fence, this one is for you.
Beginning fusing class. This class is great fun, 2 weeks with recycled glass and 2 weeks with fusible art
glass, so no matter what path your glass journey takes, you have a solid foundation in glass theory and knowledge.
Animals of the Arctic - on - December 13-15, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Learn to fuse animals that inhabit the far north. These are all new designs. While this class will have the usual ridiculous number of projects, we will also spend considerable time on how to translate a
glass idea into a glass reality. Free to watch the live broadcast.