Fused Wine Glass Angel - a (mostly) successful tutorial
Published: Fri, 11/11/22
Fused Wine Glass Angel - a (mostly) successful Tutorial
Fused Wine Glass Angel - A (mostly) successful tutorial
This is one of those tutorials that I'm not sure I would count as an unqualified success, but it makes me smile, and I do love this
weird little angel. This tutorial also shows what didn't work, which is often as interesting as what did.
With that, (in my quest to fuse ALL THE
THINGS!) I give you a fused wine glass angel.
p.s. I think I'm going to try a champagne glass, the longer, thinner glass could be
Beginning fusing class. This class is great fun, 2 weeks with recycled glass and 2 weeks with fusible art glass, so no matter what
path your glass journey takes, you have a solid foundation in glass theory and knowledge.