It's easy to feel overwhelmed in your art space, especially during busy times. My space gets messy and I start to get stressed, and
that doesn't make for good glass fusing. These are some of the things I've started doing over the years to keep myself going and smoothing stress spots. Hope they help you too!
Mold and Flat Bottle Templates
This is one of those things that seems kinda dumb, until you do it, and then you'll be surprised how useful it is. I have
templates of all different kinds of bottles AND all of my molds. It keeps my molds clean and allows me to make sure my glass fits the mold before I get to the kiln. They also help arrange bottles so everything will flatten without touching.
I have been making thousands of frit balls lately for jewelry and for mosaic projects. This is my go to method for cleaning the
little bits and not losing too many!
Fits 750 mL bottle bottoms, float or fusible art glass.
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Chameleon Mold
Use with 750mL bottle Bottom, float or fusible art glass
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Donut Sampler Mold
Use with bottle glass donuts, frits or glass pieces.
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Lady Bug Mold
Use with 750mL bottle bottoms, float or fusible art glass
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Octopus Mold
Use with 1.5L bottle bottom, float or fusible art glass
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Peace Sign Mold
Use with 750mL bottle bottom, float or fusible art glass
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Sea Turtle Mold
Use with 1.5L bottle bottoms, float or fusible art glass
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Swirly Star Mold
Use with 1.5L bottle bottoms, float or fusible art glass
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Frog Mold
Use with 750mL bottle bottoms, float glass or fusible art glass
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Upcoming classes:
Still have a couple of spaces for this class in January!
January 12 - February 2, Thursday evenings 6-9
Intro to Fusing Class
Beginning fusing class. This class is great fun, 2 weeks with recycled glass and 2 weeks with fusible art glass, so no matter what
path your glass journey takes, you have a solid foundation in glass theory and knowledge.