Another fun stroll through a store looking for glass tools! This time Michaels (a craft store in the US). Sadly, my local Michaels has cut
back on most product lines so there aren't as many choices as there used to be. There are, however, other craft stores, so hopefully you can find some of the same things in your local store. Almost anything can be a glass art tool if you try hard enough. (Ok, yes, I'm obsessed with tools)
In person workshops and classes are all scheduled and ready to tickle your glass fancy! All of the workshops are no experience
required and include all materials and tools needed.
Add a bottle bottom or sheet glass circles and fuse designs. Can be used for windchimes, suncatchers, ornaments, stained glass roundels and much more!
Animal Friends Bundle
Animal Themed Mold Bundle, 20% off
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Ocean Molds Collection
Ocean Themed Molds, 20% off
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Fusing with Sheet Glass on Bottle Bottom Molds
I know not all of you are recycled glass enthusiasts (I'm not judging), so I've written up a tutorial about how to use sheet glass on my bottle bottom
molds. Even though the molds were originally designed for bottle bottoms, you can use different types of glass on them.
This tutorial covers:
Window (float) glass
System 96 - Oceanside
Bullseye (90)
including firing schedules.
Why would you even want to do that? Well, if you use sheet glass, you can incorporate frits, add hanging loops and increase your design possibilities tremendously.