Preparing Mica Minerals for Fusing
If you’ve been around here for any amount of time, you know I LOVE mica, but there is a story there that the mad scientists among you may find interesting. Way back in 2016, a lovely reader from Idaho sent me some raw mica chunks. Not impressive by themselves. I immediately chucked some into a fuse with float glass...
Mica Flakes for fusing in any type of glass. We process all of our mica flakes inhouse in Salt Lake City, UT
4 colors and 3 sizes available
Mica shapes for fusing in all types of glass. These are cut and prefired inhouse in Salt Lake City Ut
Yellow Wire Ecoresin Stands
The yellow of these stands is reminiscent of the yellow of camomile tea, a warm color with an abstract geometric wire pattern. These stands are unique, the pattern in each stand is different. Available in large and small
Yellow Squares Eco Resin Stand
Warm yellow ecoresin with natural fiber inclusions. Available in large and small.
Upcoming Educational Events
Fusing With Oxides - September 20-22 online 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Explore traditional ceramic glass! We'll visit different types of oxides that work with glass, which formulas work best, and how to adjust your formulas. We will also make several projects together. Free to watch live broadcast.
Upcoming online workshop - Egyptian Paste September 23, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Egyptian paste is a self glazing vitreous body that can be colored with oxides and molded into jewelry pieces. Learn how to use this material on September 23. Register now!